Year/Semester of Study | 3 / Fall Semester | ||||
Level of Course | 1st Cycle Degree Programme | ||||
Type of Course | Compulsory | ||||
Department | ART HISTORY | ||||
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites | None | ||||
Mode of Delivery | Face to Face | ||||
Teaching Period | 14 Weeks | ||||
Name of Lecturer | AHMET ARI (ahmetari@nevsehir.edu.tr) | ||||
Name of Lecturer(s) | |||||
Language of Instruction | Turkish | ||||
Work Placement(s) | None | ||||
Objectives of the Course | |||||
To recognise and understand the European Middle Ages and its art through examples. Introduction to the new artistic sensibilities along with the birth of the Renaissance thought. Acquiring informations that will allow to analyse various workshops artistic schools within the fields of architecture, sculpture and painting. |
Learning Outcomes | PO | MME | |
The students who succeeded in this course: | |||
LO-1 | Can idenitfy and interpret the artistic production in Medieval Europe within the religious political and cultural framework. |
PO-2 Acquiring ability on data collection, analyzing, interpreting, discussing and proposing about the issues of the History of Art. PO-4 Acquiring objective and consistent interpreting skill via comparing art and architecture products in different geographies. PO-5 Having ability on semtinizing and evaluating the effects of materials, manufacturing technique, designing, political, social, economical, and ideological factors on production and progress of art and arhictecture products. |
Examination |
LO-2 | Can make sense of the 15th and 16th cent. Renaissance art in which humanism and individuality become predominant |
PO-1 Having theoretical and practical knowledges in Art History |
Examination |
LO-3 | Can interpret various workshops and “schools” of art of this period. |
PO-2 Acquiring ability on data collection, analyzing, interpreting, discussing and proposing about the issues of the History of Art. PO-4 Acquiring objective and consistent interpreting skill via comparing art and architecture products in different geographies. PO-5 Having ability on semtinizing and evaluating the effects of materials, manufacturing technique, designing, political, social, economical, and ideological factors on production and progress of art and arhictecture products. |
Examination |
LO-4 | Can learn about the foundations of the European art in later periods. |
PO-2 Acquiring ability on data collection, analyzing, interpreting, discussing and proposing about the issues of the History of Art. PO-4 Acquiring objective and consistent interpreting skill via comparing art and architecture products in different geographies. PO-5 Having ability on semtinizing and evaluating the effects of materials, manufacturing technique, designing, political, social, economical, and ideological factors on production and progress of art and arhictecture products. |
PO: Programme Outcomes MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation |
Course Contents | ||
Medieval European Culture: Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque and Gothic art and architecture. Pre-Renaissance, Early Renaissance and High Renaissance works of architecture, painting, sculpture in Italy and North European countries. | ||
Weekly Course Content | ||
Week | Subject | Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
1 | Overview of the course syllabus and introduction. Medieval Culture in Europe: Art and architecture of the Carolingian and Ottonian civilizations. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
2 | Medieval Culture in Europe: Art and architecture of the Romanesque and Gothic civilizations. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
3 | Humanism and Individualism, Pre Renaissance, schools of Florence and Siena. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
4 | Early Renaissance, school of Florence. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
5 | Early Renaissance, school of Florence. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
6 | Early Renaissance, school of Venice. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
7 | Early Renaissance, Northern Europe. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
8 | mid-term exam | |
9 | Early Renaissance, Northern Europe. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
10 | Early Renaissance, Northern Europe. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
11 | High Renaissance, Florence. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
12 | High Renaissance, Rome and Venice. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
13 | High Renaissance, Northern Europe. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
14 | Renaissance thought and art and the culture of the Age of Enlightenment. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
15 | Exam preparation. | Discussion Lecturing Question/Answer |
16 | final exam | |
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading | ||
1 | Roth, M.L., (2000) Mimarlığın Öyküsü, İstanbul (429-477). | |
2 | Burckhardt, J., (1957) İtalya’da Rönesans Kültürü, 2 Cilt, Çev. Bekir Sıtkı Baykal, İstanbul | |
3 | Roth, L.( 2000), Mimarlığın Öyküsü, Kabalcı Yayınevi, İstanbul | |
4 | Adams, L.(2000), Key monuments of the Italian Renaissance, Colo., Westview Boulder | |
5 | Berenson, B. (1980), The Italian Painters Of The Renaissance, N.Y, Cornell University Pres, Ithaca | |
6 | Braham, A. (1985), Italian Paintings Of The Sixteenth Century, National Gallery Pub., London | |
7 | 8 Kuran, A., (1986) “Rönesans Sanatı ve Mimarisi: 16. Yüzyıl”, Osmanlı ve Batı’da Çağdaş Kültürün Oluşumu, 16-18. Yüzyıl, Metis Kitabevi, İstanbul, (91-98) | |
8 | Vasari, G. (2013) Sanatçıların Hayat Hikayeleri, İstanbul | |
9 | Akyürek, E., (1998) Ortaçağdan Yeniçağ’a Felsefe ve Sanat,Kabalcı | |
10 | Rönesans'ın Serüveni, haz. Enis Batur, Sel Yayıncılık (İstanbul, 2016) | |
11 | Halil İnalcık, Rönesans Avrupası, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları Tarih Dizisi (İstanbul, 2011) | |
12 | A. Johnson, Rönesans Sanatı, Dost Kitabevi (İstanbul 2013) | |
13 | Peter Burke, Avrupa'da Rönesans, çev. Uygur Abacı, Islık Yayınları Tarih Dizisi (İstanbul, 2016) | |
14 | Jacob Burckhardt, İtalya'da Rönesans Kültürü, çev. Bekir Sıtkı Baykal, Panama Yayıncılık (Istanbul 2020) | |
Required Course instruments and materials | ||
Projection |
Assessment Methods | |||
Type of Assessment | Week | Hours | Weight(%) |
mid-term exam | 8 | 1 | 40 |
Other assessment methods | |||
1.Oral Examination | |||
2.Quiz | |||
3.Laboratory exam | |||
4.Presentation | |||
5.Report | |||
6.Workshop | |||
7.Performance Project | |||
8.Term Paper | |||
9.Project | |||
final exam | 16 | 1 | 60 |
Student Work Load | |||
Type of Work | Weekly Hours | Number of Weeks | Work Load |
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) | 3 | 14 | 42 |
Outside Class | |||
a) Reading | 5 | 5 | 25 |
b) Search in internet/Library | 5 | 5 | 25 |
c) Performance Project | 0 | ||
d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report | 0 | ||
e) Term paper/Project | 0 | ||
Oral Examination | 0 | ||
Quiz | 0 | ||
Laboratory exam | 0 | ||
Own study for mid-term exam | 6 | 3 | 18 |
mid-term exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Own study for final exam | 8 | 4 | 32 |
final exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
0 | |||
0 | |||
Total work load; | 144 |