Code: İŞL-567 |
Theoretical+Practice: 3+0 |
ECTS: 6 |
Year/Semester of Study |
1 / Fall Semester |
Level of Course |
2nd Cycle Degree Programme |
Type of Course |
Optional |
Department |
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites |
None |
Mode of Delivery |
Face to Face |
Teaching Period |
14 Weeks |
Name of Lecturer |
Name of Lecturer(s) |
Language of Instruction |
Turkish |
Work Placement(s) |
None |
Objectives of the Course |
Bu dersin amac?, ö?rencileri siyaset bilimi disiplininin temel kavramlar?n? ve sorular?n?, uluslararas? boyutuyla tan??t?rmak, i?letme ve giri?imcilik özeliyle sentez olu?turmalar?n? sa?lamakt?r. |
Learning Outcomes |
PO |
The students who succeeded in this course: |
LO-1 |
To be able to use the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge that the graduates have acquired in the areas of political science and international relations. |
PO-1 Have advanced knowledge about the basic concepts of business administration, the basic functions of the business management science, the historical development of it, its relationships with other disciplines, businesses and the environment, business objectives, feasibility studies, business functions, cooperation between firms and entrepreneurship, and apply them and make administrative decisions on these issues.
LO-2 |
To be able to interpret theoretical debates regarding relations among factors in global politics such as structures, institutions and culture, to be able to pinpoint the continuities and changes of main dynamics of international relations. |
PO-3 Have information about the basic concepts of strategic management, strategic management process and strategic analysis and strategy selection, implementation and control strategies
LO-3 |
To be able to use the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge that the graduates have acquired in the areas of political science and international relations. |
PO-1 Have advanced knowledge about the basic concepts of business administration, the basic functions of the business management science, the historical development of it, its relationships with other disciplines, businesses and the environment, business objectives, feasibility studies, business functions, cooperation between firms and entrepreneurship, and apply them and make administrative decisions on these issues.
LO-4 |
To be able to inform authorities and institutions in the area of international relations; to be able to transfer ideas and proposals supported by quantitative and qualitative data about the problems verbally and in writing to experts and non-experts |
PO-10 Comprehend the market developments, follow and comment on them, while having the knowledge of capital market and new financial techniques.
PO: Programme Outcomes MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation |
Course Contents |
Bu dersi ba?ar?yla tamamlayabilen ö?renciler; siyaset bilimi disiplininin ve dolay?s?yla uluslararas? ili?kiler alan?n?n temel kavramlar?n?, uluslararas? ili?kilerin temel aktörlerinden devletin olu?um sürecini ve farkl? devlet türlerini aç?klayabileceklerdir. Ça?da? siyasal ideolojilerinden liberalizm, muhafazakarl?k, sosyalizm ve fa?izmin temel prensiplerini, önde gelen dü?ünürlerini ve bunlar?n birbiri ile olan benzerliklerini farkl?l?klar?n? tan?mlayabileceklerdir.
Demokrasi kavram?n? aç?klayabilecekler ve demokrasi modellerini kar??la?t?rabilecekler. Farkl? siyasal parti çe?itlerini ve siyasal parti sistemlerini kar??la?t?rabilecekler.
??letme kavram?n? uluslararas? çevresiyle ele alabileceklerdir. |
Weekly Course Content |
Week |
Subject |
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
1 |
Giriş, dersin genel çerçevesinin tanıtımı |
2 |
Uluslararası Siyaset Bilimi ve işletmeciliğin temel kavramları: Uluslararası Siyaset, iktidar, otorite, meşruiyet, egemenlik, işletme, girişimcilik. |
3 |
Modern devletin oluşum süreci ve devlet türleri |
4 |
Çağdaş Siyasal ideolojiler: Liberalizm |
5 |
Çağdaş Siyasal İdeolojiler:Muhafazakarlık, Sosyalizm |
6 |
Çağdaş Siyasal İdeolojiler: Faşizm |
7 |
Demokrasi ve Demokrasi Modelleri |
8 |
mid-term exam |
9 |
Seçim Sistemleri |
10 |
Siyasi Partiler ve Parti Sistemleri |
11 |
Hükümet Mekanizması:Yasama ve Yürütme |
12 |
Uluslararası Siyaset ve İşletmecilik |
13 |
Küreselleşme |
14 |
Çok Uluslu İşletmeler |
15 |
Hükümet Mekanizması: Yasama ve Yürütme |
16 |
final exam |
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading |
1 |
Andrew Heywood, Siyasetin ve Uluslararası İlişkilerin Temel Kavramları, Çeviren: Faruk Şener, BB101, 2016. |
2 |
Martin Harrop, Rod Hague, Siyaset Bilimi karşılaştırmalı Bir Giriş, Dipnot 2016. |
3 |
Can Hikmet Değirmenci, 21'inci Yüzyılda Liderlik ve İş Dünyası, Bilge Karınca Yayınları, 2012 |
Required Course instruments and materials |
Ders Kitaplar?: Andrew Heywood, Siyasetin ve Uluslararas? ?li?kilerin Temel Kavramlar?, Çeviren: Faruk ?ener, BB101, 2016.
Martin Harrop, Rod Hague, Siyaset Bilimi kar??la?t?rmal? Bir Giri?, Dipnot 2016. |