Learning Outcomes |
PO |
The students who succeeded in this course: |
LO-1 |
PO-1 Upon successful completion of the program students:
Learn essential theoretical and empirical concepts of the discipline’s main branches, Political Science, Administration Science, Urbanization and Environmental Problems and Legal Sciences and gain a perspective which is appropriate for creating solutions in this scope;
PO-5 Have ability to collect data, analyze and interpret the results via utilizing accumulation of information and interdisciplinary point of view while identifying and solving existing public administration problems; PO-7 Have a social behavior manner which consists of project preparation skill by taking active responsibility in individual and team work, self-confidence to express oneself easily in the face of community, motivation at high level; PO-9 Gain self-consciousness for adoption of ethical values as the fundamental values at every stage of life and especially in professional life;
Examination Presentation |
LO-2 |
Can analyze gender at points where it intersects with power relations, language, ethnicity, race, sexuality, class, nation, religion, geography, age. |
PO-5 Have ability to collect data, analyze and interpret the results via utilizing accumulation of information and interdisciplinary point of view while identifying and solving existing public administration problems;
Examination |
LO-3 |
can recognize the philosophical background of social, historical, political, religious, literary, artistic aspects of Gender. |
PO-3 Analyze compenents of political, administrative and institutional systems, design institutional systems, and make operational the process of decision-making and coordination mechanisms which are effective for institutionalization;
Examination |
PO: Programme Outcomes MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation |
Course Contents |
Theoretical framework of gender equality; gender roles and types of discrimination; the impact of gender in social, economic, political, and cultural spheres; women’s rights and gender equality policies; mechanisms that produce gender inequality; gender in family, state, law, and the labor market; national and international legal regulations; feminist theory and movements; developing an analytical and critical perspective on gender-based inequalities. |
Weekly Course Content |
Week |
Subject |
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
1 |
Introduction to the course, information about the subject, scope, resources, course teaching method and course obligations |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
2 |
Theoretical approaches about gender |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
3 |
Gender of power |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
4 |
Feminist theories |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
5 |
The representation of gender in social institutions
Mechanisms Producing Gender Inequality |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
6 |
Family from a Gender Perspective |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
7 |
The representation of gender in political institutions |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
8 |
mid-term exam |
9 |
The representation of gender in media |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
10 |
History and Gender Relation |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
11 |
Women's Movement in the World |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
12 |
Women's Movement in the Ottoman and Turkey |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
13 |
Violence Against Women as One of the Worst Consequences of Gender Inequality |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
14 |
Gender inequality in Turkey |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
15 |
Intsruments for achieving gender equality |
Question answer
Group Presentation |
16 |
final exam |
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading |
1 |
Altunoğlu, Asu Ed. (2019), Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları. |
2 |
Koçak Turhanoğlu, Feryal Ayşın Ed. (2019), Toplumsal Cinsiyet Sosyolojisi, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları. |
3 |
SEZER, Melek Özlem (2020), Masallar ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet, İstanbul: Kor Kitap Yayınları. |
4 |
Scott,Joan W., (2007), Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Faydalı Bir Tarihsel Analiz Kategorisi, Çev: Aykut Tunç Kılıç, İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı. |
5 |
AÖF Toplumsal Cinsiyet Sosyolojisi 2019, Derleme: Feryal Ayşın KOÇAK TURHANOĞLU, https://www.aof.tc/toplumsal-cinsiyet-sosyolojisi-sos311u-ders-kitabi-2.html. |
6 |
Hooks, Bell. 2012. Feminizm Herkes İçindir, BGST Yayınları. |
7 |
AÖF Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları 2019, Derleme: Asu ALTUNOĞLU, https://ets.anadolu.edu.tr/storage/nfs/SOS310U/ebook/SOS310U-16V1S1-8-0-1-SV1-ebook.pdf. |
8 |
AÖF Toplumsal Cinsiyet Sosyolojisi 2011, Derleme: Yıldız ECEVİT, Nadide KARKINER, http://www.antalyakadinmuzesi.org/dosyalar/dosyalar/TOPLUMSAL%20CINSIYET%20SOSYOLOJ%C4%B0S%C4%B0.pdf. |
9 |
Sancar, Serpil 2012, Türk Modernleşmesinin Cinsiyeti İletişim Yayınları. |
10 |
Çakır, S. (1994). Osmanlı kadın hareketi (Vol. 4). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. |
11 |
Çakır, S. (2019). Erkek kulübünde siyaset. Sel Yayıncılık. |
Required Course instruments and materials |
Books, articles, news, films |