Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Code: KMY 528 Course Title: CURRENT CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES Theoretical+Practice: 3+0 ECTS: 8
Year/Semester of Study 1 / Spring Semester
Level of Course 2nd Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Optional
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer(s) LEYLA KAHRAMAN,
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
The aim of this course; The place of constitutional law in international and national legal systems, democracy and constitutional law, pluralism, developments in the field of human rights and in the light of constitutional law, tutelage regime, democracy, central administration, decentralization principles of constitutional law in the world and in Turkey. Constitutional reforms and discussions on the new constitution. to evaluate in context.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 Upon successful completion of the course, students can have information about constitutional institutions and organizations and constitutional issues. PO-1 Gain theoretical and practical compelling knowledge in the field of political science, management science, law, urbanization and environmental struggles.
PO-2 Gains the ability to carry and deepen the knowledge gained at undergraduate level in the fields of political science and management, urbanization, environmental problems and law.
PO-4 Interprets the concepts and approaches learned in the field of political science and management at national and international level, makes and applies comparative and interdisciplinary analysis.
Term Paper
LO-2 Upon successful completion of the course, students can discuss current constitutional issues. PO-1 Gain theoretical and practical compelling knowledge in the field of political science, management science, law, urbanization and environmental struggles.
PO-2 Gains the ability to carry and deepen the knowledge gained at undergraduate level in the fields of political science and management, urbanization, environmental problems and law.
PO-4 Interprets the concepts and approaches learned in the field of political science and management at national and international level, makes and applies comparative and interdisciplinary analysis.
PO-6 Critically evaluate the relations of state, democracy and civil society at national and local level in the field of political science and the problems in this field.
PO-9 Have adequate awareness of universal principles and values such as the rule of law, justice, equality, human rights and citizenship, health and environment.
PO-10 Communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders in the field of public administration.
PO-12 Understand the interaction of disciplines of Political Science and Public Administration to other complementary fields such as International Relations, Sociology, History and Economics.
Term Paper
LO-3 Students who successfully complete the course can gain the ability to think in legal terminology in order to produce solutions to constitutional problems. PO-1 Gain theoretical and practical compelling knowledge in the field of political science, management science, law, urbanization and environmental struggles.
PO-2 Gains the ability to carry and deepen the knowledge gained at undergraduate level in the fields of political science and management, urbanization, environmental problems and law.
PO-3 Explain the interaction between political science, management science, urbanization and environmental problems and law disciplines.
PO-6 Critically evaluate the relations of state, democracy and civil society at national and local level in the field of political science and the problems in this field.
PO-9 Have adequate awareness of universal principles and values such as the rule of law, justice, equality, human rights and citizenship, health and environment.
PO-12 Understand the interaction of disciplines of Political Science and Public Administration to other complementary fields such as International Relations, Sociology, History and Economics.
Term Paper
Practice Exam
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
The content of this course; Constitution, Supremacy of the Constitution, Constitutional Law, 1961 Constitution, 1982 Constitution, Human Rights, Trusteeship Regime, Democracy, Constitutional Reforms, Constitutional Court, Government Systems, Presidential System, Semi-Presidential System, Parliamentary System, New Constitution Debates.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 The Constitution, Consciousness of Being a Constitutional State Definition of the Constitution as a Basic Legal Rule, its nature, function, superiority and the adoption of its bindingness in the society, the bindingness of the Constitutions and the size of the consensus culture. Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
2 The Supremacy of the Constitution and the Position of International Law The legal position of international treaties vis-à-vis the Constitution. Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
3 Dynamic Understanding of the Constitution, Amendment or Making of the Constitution Implementation, interpretation, adaptability of the constitutions, situations where the constitution is needed to be made or amended, unnecessary amendments or problems arising from the processes of making a new constitution. Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
4 The 1982 Constitution and the Making of a New Constitution in Turkey A new constitution making attempt in Turkey, its reasons, its process, the political and legal problems it will bring, discussion of the issue within the framework of the legitimacy of the 1982 Constitution Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
5 The State, Elements of the State Concept and elements of the state, Unitary state, federal state and regional state features, Reasons for the indispensability of the unitary structure adopted by the 1982 Constitution Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
6 Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in the 1982 Constitution Evaluation and discussion of the understanding of fundamental rights in the 1982 Constitution, the position of human rights principles in universal documents according to the 1982 Constitution and the problem of bindingness Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
7 Democracy and Perception of Democracy Democracy, its definition, evaluations on its requirements, the reasons that interrupt democracy (such as personalization, bureaucracy, strengthening of the executive) and discussion of their solutions Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
8 mid-term exam
9 Democratic State in the 1982 Constitution The perception of democracy in the 1982 Constitution and the problems of democracy arising from the Constitution, discussions on the amendments to be made in the Constitution in terms of keeping democracy alive. Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
10 Hükûmet Sistemleri ve 1982 Anayası Hükûmet sistemi ve türleri, 1982 Anayasasının benimsediği hükûmet sisteminden kaynaklanan sorunlar, Cumhurbaşkanının kararnameleri imzalaması ve 1982 Anayasası, müzakere Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
11 Political Responsibility and Its Function According to the 1982 Constitution Political responsibility instruments in the 1982 Constitution, evaluations to overcome the difficulties of auditing the Council of Ministers in the single-party government that obtained the majority in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
12 Multi-Party Political Life According to the 1982 Constitution Problems and solution discussions about the functioning of multi-party political life, closing political parties or subjecting them to other sanctions Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
13 Elections, Election Principles in the 1982 Constitution and Election System Elections and discussion on the principles of elections and the elections to be implemented according to the 1982 Constitution, election systems, deliberation on the determination of the election system specific to our country Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
14 Debates on the Presidential System in Turkey and the President's Beneficial and disadvantageous aspects of the government system adopted by the 1982 Constitution, the problems of the election of the President by the people, the solution feasibility of the Presidential system Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
15 The Constitutional Court, Its New Structure, Duties and Powers Opinions for and against the new structure of the Constitutional Court, quorums for meetings and decisions, closure of political parties and deprivation of financial assistance, Problems arising from the inadequacy of the personal application method and discussion on their elimination Lecture, Question and Answer, Discussion
16 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 Ramazan Cengiz Derdiman, Anayasa Hukuku, 2. Baskı, Alfa Aktüel yayınları, Bursa, 2011.
Required Course instruments and materials
Lecture Notes, Computer

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam 8 1 %40
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination
3.Laboratory exam
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam 16 1 %60

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 5 14 70
Outside Class
       a) Reading 0
       b) Search in internet/Library 4 14 56
       c) Performance Project 0
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 4 7 28
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 0
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 5 7 35
mid-term exam 1 1 1
Own study for final exam 5 7 35
final exam 1 1 1
Total work load; 226