Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Code: EEM-627 Course Title: DATA MINING APPLICATIONS Theoretical+Practice: 3+0 ECTS: 6
Year/Semester of Study 1 / Fall Semester
Level of Course 3rd Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Optional
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer MEHMET YEŞİLBUDAK (
Name of Lecturer(s)
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
To teach data mining and to gain the ability to apply data mining methods to the problems in the field of engineering.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 can know data mining. PO-1 Conducting scientific research on subjects specific to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline, interpreting this information and gaining application skills.
PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
LO-2 can define data warehouse and its properties. PO-1 Conducting scientific research on subjects specific to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline, interpreting this information and gaining application skills.
PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
LO-3 can apply time series. PO-1 Conducting scientific research on subjects specific to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline, interpreting this information and gaining application skills.
PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
LO-4 can apply decision trees. PO-1 Conducting scientific research on subjects specific to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline, interpreting this information and gaining application skills.
PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
LO-5 can apply classification, clustering and association methods. PO-1 Conducting scientific research on subjects specific to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline, interpreting this information and gaining application skills.
PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
This course includes the subjects of introduction to data mining, database, data models, data warehouse and its properties, data cleaning, data integration, data reduction and data transformation, time series application, applications of ID3 and C4.5 decision tree algorithms, applications of support vector machines, Naive Bayes and k-nearest neighbor classification algorithms, applications of k-means and agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms, application of Apriori association algorithm.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 Introduction to data mining Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
2 Database, data models, data warehouse and its properties Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
3 Data cleaning, data integration, data reduction and data transformation Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
4 Time series analysis: Applications of MA, WMA, ARMA and ARIMA models Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
5 Decision trees: Application of ID3 algorithm Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
6 Decision trees: Application of C4.5 algorithm Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
7 Classification: Application of k-nearest neighbor algorithm Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
8 mid-term exam
9 Classification: Application of k-nearest neighbor algorithm (cont.) Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
10 Classification: Application of Naive Bayes algorithm Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
11 Classification: Application of support vector machines Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
12 Clustering: Application of agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
13 Clustering: Application of k-means algorithm Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
14 Clustering: Application of k-means algorithm (cont.) Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
15 Association analysis: Application of Apriori algorithm Lecture, question and answer, problem solving
16 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 Veri Madenciliği Yöntemleri, Y. Özkan, Papatya Yayıncılık, 2008.
2 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, J. Han, M. Kamber, Morgan Kaufmann Pub., 2006.
Required Course instruments and materials
Course book, computer, projector.

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam 8 1 40
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination
3.Laboratory exam
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam 16 1 60

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 3 14 42
Outside Class
       a) Reading 3 14 42
       b) Search in internet/Library 3 14 42
       c) Performance Project 0
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 0
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 0
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 2 13 26
mid-term exam 1 1 1
Own study for final exam 2 13 26
final exam 1 1 1
Total work load; 180