Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Code: TDA-530 Course Title: DEDE KORKUT STUDIES II Theoretical+Practice: 3+0 ECTS: 6
Year/Semester of Study 1 / Spring Semester
Level of Course 2nd Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Optional
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer SERKAN KÖSE (
Name of Lecturer(s)
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
To examine and analyze the narratives in the Book of Dede Korkut based on Turkish socio-cultural life.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 Can analyze Dede Korkut narratives. PO-
LO-2 PO-2 grasp the interdisciplinary interaction of their field of study and conduct joint studies with different fields of study.
PO-4 use the relevant research methods and techniques and have both theoretical and practical knowledge in their field of study.
PO-5 interpret, solve and produce new data by integrating the data obtained from both their field of study and different fields of study.
LO-3 PO-2 grasp the interdisciplinary interaction of their field of study and conduct joint studies with different fields of study.
PO-7 carry out independent studies requiring expertise related to their field of study
LO-4 PO-2 grasp the interdisciplinary interaction of their field of study and conduct joint studies with different fields of study.
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
Twelve narratives in the Dresden copy of Dede Korkut Book constitute the limitation of this course. In addition, it is planned to make evaluations on the narratives, taking into account the "Introduction" part of the work.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 About the General Operation of the Course Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
2 Dede Korkut Kitabı Üzerine Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
3 Dede Korkut on the Axis of the Narrator and the Audience Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
4 Dede Korkut in the direction of Oral Culture and Written Culture Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
5 Dede Korkut in terms of Mythic and Epic Knowledge Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
6 About “Secret Dede Korkut” Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
7 Dede Korkut Book in Terms of Chaos-Cosmos Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
8 mid-term exam
9 The Book of Dede Korkut: Mukaddime Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
10 “Dirse Han Oğlı Bugaç Han Boyı” Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
11 “Dirse Han Oğlı Bugaç Han Boyı” Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
12 “Duha Koca Oglı Delü Dumrul Boyı” Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
13 “Basat Depegözi Öldürdügi Boy” Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
14 “Salur Kazan Tutsak Olup Oglı Uruz Çıkardugı Boy” Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
15 İç Oguza Taş Oguz Asi Olup Beyrek Öldügi Boy” Narration Method, Discussion Method, Problem Solving Method
16 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 Abdulla, Kamal (2012). Mitten Yazıya veya Gizli Dede Korkut. Akt. Dr. Ali Duymaz. İstanbul: Ötüken.
2 Abdulla, Kamal (2020). Dede Korkut Destanı’nın Poetikası Şafak Varyantı. Akt. Ali Duymaz. İstanbul: Ötüken.
3 Arslan, Mustafa (2005). “Türk Destanlarında Evren Tasarımı”. Prof. Dr. Fikret Türkmen Armağanı. İzmir: Kanyılmaz.
4 Arslan, Mustafa ve Milay Köktürk (1998). “Boğaç Han Hikâyesinde Davranış Analizi”. Türk Dünyası İncelemeleri Dergisi. S. II. 247-255.
5 Cassirer, Ernst (2005). Sembolik Formlar Felsefesi II Mitik Düşünme. Çev. Milay Köktürk. Ankara: Hece.
6 Ergin, Muharrem (2004). Dede Korkut Kitabı I Giriş-Metin Faksimile. Ankara: TDK.
7 Koçak, Aynur (2011). “Bir Kahraman Modeli Olarak Karaçuk Çoban”. Dede Korkut ve Geçmişten Geleceğe Türk Destanları Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildiriler Kitabı. Ankara: Güzeliş Ofset.
8 Oğuz, M. Öcal (1996). “Dede Korkut Destanlarından Kanlı Koca Oğlu Turalı Boyı’nın Tahlili”. Bilig Dergisi. S. 1. s. 18-23.
9 Köse, Serkan (2020). “Dede Korkut Kitabı’nı Kaos ve Kozmos Bağlamında Okuma”. Milli Folklor. S. 125. s. 71-71.
10 Korkmaz, Ramazan (2016). “Arketipsel Sembolizm Açısından Dede Korkut Anlatılarındaki Yüce-Birey ve Alp-Bilge Tipi”. Dede Korkut Okumaları. (Ed.) Ramazan Korkmaz. İstanbul: Kesit Yayınları,
11 Türkeş Günay, Umay (2000).“Dede Korkut Kitabı ve Toplumsal Değerlerin Tahlili”. Uluslararası Dede Korkut Bilgi Şöleni Bildirileri. (Haz.) Alev Kâhya Birgül ve diğer. 191-202.
12 Pehlivan, Gürol (2015). Dede Korkut Kitabı’nda Yapı, İdeoloji ve Yaratım-Dresden ve Vatikan Nüshalarının Mukayeseli Bir İncelemesi. İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat.
13 Ölçer Özünel, Evrim (2015). “Baharı Getiren Kahraman: Bamsı Beyrek”. Millî Folklor 107 : 34-48.
Required Course instruments and materials
Books, computers, projectors, CD

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam 8 1 40
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination
3.Laboratory exam
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam 16 1 60

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 3 14 42
Outside Class
       a) Reading 8 8 64
       b) Search in internet/Library 6 6 36
       c) Performance Project 0
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 0
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 0
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 4 4 16
mid-term exam 1 1 1
Own study for final exam 5 4 20
final exam 1 1 1
Total work load; 180