Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes



Basic Islamic Sciences was established under the Institute of Social Sciences of Nevşehir University in 2014-2015 academic year, offering graduate studies in Turkish.

Qualification Awarded

Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a Master of Art (MA) in Basic Islamic Sciences.

Level of Qualification


Specific Admission Requirements

In the specified masters and doctoral programs, students are obliged to the present undergraduate degree (graduation grade), ALES and the foreign language score, and the number of applicants from the listed candidates is accepted as principal and substitute. Documents required for registration; 1 - Graduate Diploma, 2 - ALES Result Certificate. 3 - Title of Identity Card 4 - Foreign Language Certificate (ÜDS, KPDS v.) 5 - Military Status Certificate. 6 - Curriculum Vitae

Specific Arrangement For Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning in Turkish higher education institutions is still at an early stage. For this reason, the recognition of prior learning in all programs of Nevşehir University is not fully initiated.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

In order to successfully complete all of the courses (equivalent to 90-120 ECTS total) available in the program, to obtain at least 2.0 weighted grade point average over 4.00. Students who have successfully completed at least 120 ECTS courses in the departments of the department or related departments and who have successfully completed all of them, who have at least 70 GPA out of 100 and have successfully defended their thesis in front of a chosen jury. Master of Art (MA) diploma is awarded.

Profile of The Programme

Our program consists of academicians who are experts in their field and necessary studies are carried out together with the courses. The fields of study of our department are Basic Islamic Sciences. The aim of the course is to educate the students as individuals who have all the powers and responsibilities of the law as a graduate graduate with the knowledge and skills to produce an original work by using scientific research methods, to be able to analyze, synthesize and evaluate. Students are expected to succeed in the vocational exams they will meet later; both in public and private sector, where they want to be able to continue to work as a teacher. At the same time, our aim is to train our students as experts in Basic Islamic Sciences at national and international level.

Key Learning Outcomes of the Programme

PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study.
PO-2 Can be able to the interdisciplinary interaction of their field of study and conduct joint studies with different fields of study.
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
PO-4 Can be able to use the relevant research methods and techniques and have both theoretical and practical knowledge in their field of study.
PO-5 Can be able to interpret, solve and produce new data by integrating the data obtained from both their field of study and different fields of study.
PO-6 Can be able to use the knowledge they have obtained in their field of study in order to promote the level of education, culture and arts of the society.
PO-7 Can be able to carry out independent studies requiring expertise related to their field of study
PO-8 Can be able to develop new approaches in order to solve unpredictable problems encountered in their field of study.
PO-9 Can be able to act as a leading role in solving problems related to their field of study, organizing personal, institutional teamworks at an expert level.
PO-10 Can be able to examine the social relations and the norms guiding these relations from a critical point of view and act on the spot to change them when needed.
PO-11 Can be able to transfer the updates and projects carried out in their field of study by reinforcing them with qualitative and quantitative data across groups within and out of their field of study.
PO-12 Can be able to maintain oral and written communication by using a foreign language on level B2 in European Language Portfolio.
PO-13 Can be able to keep up with the developments in Information Technologies and make the most of it in line with their field of study.
PO-14 Can be able to collect data related with their field of study, review and put them in practice, checking them in the process of announcing the results and taking into consideration the scientific, cultural, artistic, social and ethical values.
PO-15 Can be able to abide by and take part in the quality management process.
PO-16 Can be able to grasp the knowledge related to their field of study and make it public in line with the norms.

NQF-HETR Program Outcomes Matrices
TYYC PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14 PÇ-15 PÇ-16
1- Develop and deepen knowledge in the same or in a different field to the proficiency level based on Bachelor level qualifications. X X X X X X X X X X X
2- Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with. X X X
1- Use of theoretical and practical knowledge within the field at a proficiency level. X X X X X X X X
2- Interpret the knowledge about the field by integrating the information gathered from different disciplines and formulate new knowledge. X X X X X X X X
3- Solve the problem faced related to the field by using research methods. X X X X X
1- Independently conduct studies that require proficiency in the field. X X X X X X
2-Take responsibility and develop new strategic solutions as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the applications in the field. X X X
3- Demonstrate leadership in contexts that require solving problems related to the field. X X X
1- Evaluate knowledge and skills acquired at proficiency level in the field with a critical approach and direct the learning. X X X X X X
1- Communicate current developments and studies within the field to both professional and non-professional groups systematically using written, oral and visual techniques by supporting with quantitative and qualitative data. X X X X
2- Investigate, improve social connections and their conducting norms with a critical view and act to change them when necessary. X X X X
3- Communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B2 General Level. X
4- Use advanced informatics and communication technology skills with software knowledge required by the field. X
1- Audit the data gathering, interpretation, implementation and announcement stages by taking into consideration the cultural, scientific, and ethic values and teach these values. X X X
2- Develop strategy, policy and implementation plans on the issues related to the field and assess the findings within the frame of quality processes. X X X
3- Use the knowledge, problem solving and/or implementation skills in interdisciplinary studies. X X X X
Basic Area Competencies-Program Outcomes Matrix (Academic Weighted)
Açıklama PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14 PÇ-15 PÇ-16
Based on licensing qualifications, it has theoretical and practical knowledge of expertise in an educational science level, develops and deepens this information. X X X X X X X X X X X
Discuss the interaction between disciplines related to the field. X X X
It uses the theoretical and applied information of the expertise he has acquired in the field, develops and deepens this information. X X X X
The information in the field functionally integrates information from different disciplinary fields and creates new information. X X X X
Problems that require expertise bring solutions using quantitative and qualitative scientific research methods. X X X X X
A problem in the field, independently improves the solutions, solutions, solve, evaluates the results and applies when necessary. X X X X X
It develops new strategic approaches in complicated cases where they do not predict the applications in the field, and produces solutions by taking responsibility. X X X
Actively participates in or leads to team work related to the field. X X X
Evaluates the information about the field with a critical eye. X X X X X X
Conducts work in the field within the framework of lifelong learning. X X X
Transfers the developments in the field and their own studies in the fields, written, oral and visually systematically. X X X X
The social relations in vocational and professional environments and the norms that guide these relationships from a critical point of view of the leading norms, to improve and change them when necessary. X X X X
A foreign language communicates oral and written communication using at least the European Language Portfolio B2 overall. X
Share information about the field in national / international level orally and in writing. X X X
It uses information and communication technologies with the computer software required by the area. X
Comments on strategy, policy and implementation plans on the fields related to the field develops these plans and evaluate the results obtained within the framework of quality processes. X X
The collection, interpretation, announcement of the data related to the field controls the stages of social, scientific and ethical values ​​and teaches these values. X X X
The knowledge and skills they acquired in the field apply in interdisciplinary studies. X
Evaluates current developments in line with national values ​​and country facts. X X
It develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on issues related to the field and evaluate the results of the quality processes. X

Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYC, Level 7,) ) Basic Field Competencies (Academic Weighted) PROGRAM ÇIKTILARI TYYÇ
PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14 PÇ-15 PÇ-16
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical-Conceptual Based on licensing qualifications, it has theoretical and practical knowledge of expertise in an educational science level, develops and deepens this information. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Develop and deepen knowledge in the same or in a different field to the proficiency level based on Bachelor level qualifications. Theoretical-Conceptual KNOWLEDGE
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical-Conceptual Discuss the interaction between disciplines related to the field. 2 x x x x x x 2- Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with. Theoretical-Conceptual KNOWLEDGE
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical It uses the theoretical and applied information of the expertise he has acquired in the field, develops and deepens this information. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Use of theoretical and practical knowledge within the field at a proficiency level. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical The information in the field functionally integrates information from different disciplinary fields and creates new information. 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x 2- Interpret the knowledge about the field by integrating the information gathered from different disciplines and formulate new knowledge. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical Problems that require expertise bring solutions using quantitative and qualitative scientific research methods. 3 x x x x x x x x x x 3- Solve the problem faced related to the field by using research methods. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
COMPETENCES Evaluates the information about the field with a critical eye. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Evaluate knowledge and skills acquired at proficiency level in the field with a critical approach and direct the learning. Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Conducts work in the field within the framework of lifelong learning. 2 x x x Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Transfers the developments in the field and their own studies in the fields, written, oral and visually systematically. 1 x x x x x x x x 1- Communicate current developments and studies within the field to both professional and non-professional groups systematically using written, oral and visual techniques by supporting with quantitative and qualitative data. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES The social relations in vocational and professional environments and the norms that guide these relationships from a critical point of view of the leading norms, to improve and change them when necessary. 2 x x x x x x x x 2- Investigate, improve social connections and their conducting norms with a critical view and act to change them when necessary. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES A foreign language communicates oral and written communication using at least the European Language Portfolio B2 overall. 3 x x 3- Communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B2 General Level. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Share information about the field in national / international level orally and in writing. 4 x x x x 4- Use advanced informatics and communication technology skills with software knowledge required by the field. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES It uses information and communication technologies with the computer software required by the area. 5 x Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Comments on strategy, policy and implementation plans on the fields related to the field develops these plans and evaluate the results obtained within the framework of quality processes. 1 x x x x x 1- Audit the data gathering, interpretation, implementation and announcement stages by taking into consideration the cultural, scientific, and ethic values and teach these values. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES The collection, interpretation, announcement of the data related to the field controls the stages of social, scientific and ethical values ​​and teaches these values. 2 x x x x x x 2- Develop strategy, policy and implementation plans on the issues related to the field and assess the findings within the frame of quality processes. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES The knowledge and skills they acquired in the field apply in interdisciplinary studies. 3 x x x x x 3- Use the knowledge, problem solving and/or implementation skills in interdisciplinary studies. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Evaluates current developments in line with national values ​​and country facts. 4 x x Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES It develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on issues related to the field and evaluate the results of the quality processes. 5 x Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES A problem in the field, independently improves the solutions, solutions, solve, evaluates the results and applies when necessary. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Independently conduct studies that require proficiency in the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES It develops new strategic approaches in complicated cases where they do not predict the applications in the field, and produces solutions by taking responsibility. 2 x x x x x x 2-Take responsibility and develop new strategic solutions as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the applications in the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Actively participates in or leads to team work related to the field. 3 x x x x x x 3- Demonstrate leadership in contexts that require solving problems related to the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Those who have completed the Master of Art program in Basic Sciences can fulfill their duties in the field of education and religious services in a more equipped way and have the opportunity to work as a Research Assistant or Instructor in universities.

Access to Further Studies

Candidates who successfully complete the Master's degree can apply to doctoral programs in the subject area if they are successful.

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
TİB501 RESEARCH TECHNIQUES 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 6
SEÇMELİ 2 SELECTIVE COURSES 1 - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 24

2. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
TİB502 SEMINAR 0 Hour(s) 3 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 6
SEÇMELİ 2 SELECTIVE COURSES 2 - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 24

3. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
TİB803 THESIS STUDIES I 0 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 24
TİB801 SPECIALISATION COURSE 4 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 6

4. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
TİB804 THESIS STUDIES II 0 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Compulsory 24
TİB802 SPECIALIZATION COURSE 4 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Compulsory 6


Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
TİB549 CLASSIC TEXTS OF THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC SECTIONS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB543 ANALYSIS OF AHKAM VERSES IN FIQH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB529 LANGUAGE ECOLES IN ARABIC 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 5
TİB531 ARABIC PREPOSITIONS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB591 SCHOOL OF LITERARY INTERPRETATION 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB525 INTRODUCTION TO HADITH SCIENCES 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB551 EXTRACTION AND CRITICISM OF HADITH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB521 HYSTORY OF HADITH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB523 THE METHODOLOGY OF HADITH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB553 TEXTS OF METHODOLOGY OF HADITH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB 587 TEXTS ON ISLAMIC FAMILY LAW 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB509 HISTORY OF ISLAMIC LAW 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB513 INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC LAW 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB549 CLASSICAL TEXTS OF HISTORY OF ISLAMIC SECTS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB 583 HİSTORY OF THEOLOGICAL SECTS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB519 TEXTS OF KALAM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB515 THE HISTORY OF THE WORD 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB515 HISTORY OF KALAM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB547 NUBUWWA IN KALAM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB 571 THE EFFECT OF THE VARIANT READING OF THE QUR’AN ON THE INTER 0 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB 567 THE DISCIPLINE OF QIRAAT AND ITS HISTORY 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB 573 THE TEXTS OF QIRAATS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB511 CLASICAL TEXTS OF FIQH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB563 CLASICAL TEXTS OF SUFISM I 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB541 CLASSICAL TEXTS OF TAFSIR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB565 QUR'AN AND NUZUL ENVIRONMENT 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB503 THE QUR'ANIC SCIENCES 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB555 MEDIA ARABIC 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB545 MODERN MUSLIM JURISTS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB517 SYSTEMATIC KALAM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB533 HISTORY OF SYSTEMATIC SUFISM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB561 MOVEMENTS OF SUFISM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB559 THE ORIGIN OF SUFISM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB 569 THE SOURCES OF THE DISCIPLINE OF TAJWID 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB 589 INTRODUCTION TO TEFSIR LITERATURE 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB539 PROBLEMS OF TAFSIR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB507 HISTORY OF TAFSIR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
TİB505 THE METHODOLOGY OF TAFSIR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6


Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
TİB548 ALAWI-BAKTASHI TEXTS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB5556 SOURCES ON THE ARABIC LANGUAGE AND RECOGNITION 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB528 MODERN TEXTS OF ARABIC 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB554 METHODS OF LEARNING ARABIC 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB550 CONTEMPORARY HADITH STUDIES 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB580 CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC TRENDS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB518 CONTEMPORARY STUDIES IN KALAM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB540 CONTEMPORARY TEXTS OF TAFSIR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB506 ASBAB AL-NUZUL 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB510 TEXTS OF METHODOLOGY OF FIQH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB512 TODAY PROBLEMS OF FIQH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB534 SUFISM IN TODAY'S TURKEY 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB522 TEXTS OF HADITH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB526 PROBLEMS OF HADITH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB524 TEXT CRITICISM IN HADITH 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB544 THEORY OF IJTIHAD 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB514 GENERAL PRINSIPLES OF ISLAMIC LAW 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB516 INTRODUCTION TO HYSTORY OF ISLAMIC SECTS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB546 SCHOOLS OF KALAM AND THEIR METHODOLOGIES 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB520 PROBLEMS OF KALAM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB 564 THE SOURCES OF THE DISCIPLINE OF QIRAAT 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB 566 CLASSICAL TEXTS ON TAJWID 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB542 HISTORY OF QUR'AN 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB508 TECHNIQUS OF QUR'ANIC TRANSLATION 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB530 MODERN STUDIES OF ARABIC LITERATURE 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB 568 AL-IMLÂ OF THE MUSHAF 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB 570 ORIENTALIST STUDIES ON THE QUR’AN AND QIRAAT 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB538 SCHOOLS OF SUFISM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB558 CONCEPTS OF SUFISM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB536 CULTURE OF SUFISM 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB504 SHCOOLS OF TAFSIR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB560 SUFISM IN TURKISH WORLD 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
TİB552 FORGERY HADITHS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Students are subjected to at least 1 midterm and final exam for each course. The contribution to the success grade, midterm exams 40%, the contribution of the final exam is 60%. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Students taking one of the (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB) and (CC) letter grades from a course are considered successful.

Graduation Requirements

In order to complete the program successfully (should take courses taking 120 ECTS credits). They also must obtain at least 70 (CC) weighted average over 100, to complete the thesis successfully.

Mode of Study

Full Time


There are 1 Professor, 2 Associate Professors, 5 Assistant Professors, 2 Instructors, 6 Research Assistants in the Department of Basic Islamic Sciences. There are 1 meeting rooms belonging to the Department.

Programme Director or Equivalent

Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Graduate School of Social Sciences